First attempt at a game jam, you could say my creative thinking skills are... underwhelming. Did this mainly as an exercise for the logical part of my brain figuring out how to implement different systems and ideas in code. Probably best to not even bother playing this.

I have a few ideas already as to how this concept can be improved, a method of keeping score like coins or a timer would benefit the game greatly. Another addition would be to restrict the movement of moveable platforms to only certain directions and only certain ranges

Billy the box will start moving towards the blue platform from the green platform after a short delay.
red boxes will harm Billy.
Some white and red boxes can be selected with LMB and moved with arrow keys or WASD. Press R or Enter to reset the current level


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This is AMAZING! This is what I love to see in game jams, it's booring when the "big boys" always wins. This is what should win game jams. If i would decide I would place your game very high on the list, incredible enjoyment! Just a few levels more, basic art and some sounds and it would be the greatest game of all time. 9/10!!!

This is the game ive been waiting for.  Its the best game ever! Love the idea! Just some pixel art and some sound then the game is 10/10! My score: 8/10!